The Maine Coon is a majestic breed that stands by itself
there is no other breed of the feline world
that is like the
Maine Coon.
Breeding Pairs
The Queens at WRC are very picky about thier 'mates' for the year. So, because of those opinions the breeding pairs for the year are updated as the girls make thier choices. Trust us, we can't wait to see the new kittens either!
Dain as a kitten
Describe your image
Dain is very clownish, a jokester like personality, and constantly doing something silly. He talks non-stop in chirps, trills, plurals, and rolling r’s. Makes for the cutest catcall! All the girls in the cattery favor Dain. He is highly intelligent, not only understanding everything you say but has the commutation skills to answer you. He very clever, and always uses his manners. He loves to sit on your lap. When you are around Dain you can detect his confidence, giving him a majestic aura....there is no mistake that he is King.
Color: Black Smoke
Litters: O, Z , D , K & L
Danzey as a Kitten
Diva is a wonderful mother to her kittens. She is related to Dain and Danzey. Like Dain, she loves to be loved on and is always wanting to be close to you. Diva is a busy one, regularly on the go. She has a schoolgirl crush on Orson. She likes to watch him but runs the minute he sees her. She easily gets bored, which makes her feisty!
Color: Blue/Crème Tortie W/Unspecified White
Litters: J & C
Blue Romero as a kitten
blue Romeo
Blue Romeo is a 4-paw polydactyl, who enjoys chatting with you. He is very lovable and likes to be held, tolerates getting a bath. He is a well-mannered-gentle male and is able to be around his mate because of it. He has a very majestic-feral look and is an all-around sweet boy.
Color: Blue Smoke
Litters: T
Tiny Dancer as a kitten
Tiny Dancer
Tiny Dancer is an intelligent and social coon. This girl loves people, likes to greet company, and wants to be in the middle of what you're doing. She is very curious about everything, always opening cabinets and doors. The sink is one of her favorite spaces to play, she also plays with the dogs. Tiny Dancer loves to be on you and cuddle! She is very talkative, with a sweet and kind nature.
Color: Black Smoke
Litters: O & D
Wicki is a very good mom, absolutely loved her kittens! She will stand up and hug you or lay her head on your shoulder. She is incredibly laid back and sweet. She is such a beautiful cat with emerald green eyes. She'll sit right next to you and watch you, with those stunning eyes.
Color: Blue/Crème Tortie
Litters: Z , K & L
Orson is a big coon, teetering at 20 lbs. He has excellent lynx ear tips and is incredibly sweet. You can always find him up on the catwalk watching everything that is going on. Following you from room to room or hanging out while you shower. Never doubt his intelligence, he can open any door, even after I change the knobs. He is extremely attentive and understands every word you say.
Color: Red
Litters: J , R, C & M
Zara is bred big with well-bred bloodlines showing her strong and pronounced coon traits. She expects her dinner on time and if she sees that it's going to be late she starts her chatter 20 mins earlier. She has figured out which projects will run her dinner late and that is just scary smart to me. With her chirps and trills, she makes a cute little squeaker sound. She is my little squeaker girl!
Color: Black Tiger Tortie W/White
Litters: P
Tigran has an extreme feral look that speaks Maine Coon to the core. This boy will make you ask, “how do you get a cat like that?" Tigran is very affectionate and gentle. He will talk your ear off and likes to be held. His eyes are big and black, sure to grip your soul.
Color: Classic Back Tabby
Litters: B , P & W
Skyla has big, beautiful gold eyes and a talent for hunting to match. I would think you would have to be a very brave (stupid) mouse to venture into the WRC cattery. With Skyla, braving the scurry across the floor is just plain suicide! No mouse is left standing with her on mouse patrol. She has lots of patience and focus. Once the mouse is caught she will kindly share her trophy with you….ugh 😉
Color: Creme Smoke
Litters: M
Klaire is sweet as can be, but do not be fooled! She has some added sass. She has an extreme feral look that has created quite the fan club. She’s a professional at finding hiding spots. The entire house will be torn apart looking for her, only then will she finally come out from wherever she was hiding. She views all of this as a game, of course. I have since found her hiding spot, so I win….for now, lol.
Color: Black Smoke
Litters: A
Edward is a king, there is no denying it! When I first saw him, I thought it was a surreal painting of a Maine Coon. He was the most beautiful kitten ever. We’re very proud to have him at WRC! Quite the talker and just under 20 pounds, this majestic boy is only going to get better as he grows up.
Color: Black Smoke
Litters: A
Felix is the newest King at WRC. Weighing in at 21 pounds this almost 2-year-old is a big boy, and he is only going to get bigger! Even though his meows are a raspy whisper, it doesn’t keep him quiet. He is a chatter box, which matches his quirky personality. Felix has no interest in jumping up onto something that is 3 feet or higher, as it could end in failure! You can watch him think about how tall something is, it’s hilarious to watch. He has obviously considered his size. Just another example of Maine Coons having the ability to problem solve.
Color: Blue/Silver Tabby W/White
Litters: Yet to be
note: some pics are not true to his color there is no brown in his fur